

Because people today care about different things, are better informed, more educated, and more connected than ever before, they want more from their employers than "just" a pay-check. They want to work for a company they can proudly stand behind, that is making a dent in the world beyond selling a great product or service. That's why implementation of the innovative Profitable Partnerships Plan will make your organization look like an industry rockstar! 

✓ expand your market reach

✓ make tax savings

✓ make a global (or at least, bigger) impact

.... Hey, if your business can make money AND make a difference- I think that's something to get excited about. 

Don't you?


In a 2017 Deloitte study of 7,000 organizations , 89% of executives rated “strengthening the leadership pipeline” an urgent issue.  

GIS Mentors and Mentees Program is an in-depth training that covers:

- The Building Blocks of World Class Mentoring

- The 12 Mentoring Myths

-How To Choose The Perfect Mentor 

-The Nuts and Bolts of a Stellar Mentor & Mentee Agreement

-The Do's and Don'ts within Mentoring Relationships: What Mistakes To Avoid and Best Practices 

-The Art of Giving and Receiving Supportive Feedback
-Ethical Practices You Need to Know About (so you don't get into trouble without realizing it)

-The Right Way To Mentor Special Groups
-The #1 Strategy For Guaranteeing Your Pipeline Is Constantly Filled With Top Level People
​​​​​​​- and more!

The 3 Accelerators To Impact


Did you know...? ​A 2017 Gallup study​​​​​​ estimates that 67% of employees are disengaged, and 16% of this 67% othat are actively disngaged are costing the U.S. $483 billion to $605 billion each year in lost productivity..

Success in business, as in sports, is a game of inches. Nurturing a culture of elite performance in yourself, your executive team, and your staff, yields star players that take pride in how they show up and how they deliver. 

Modeled on the training distinctions used by the world's top athletes - the Global Impact Systems solution accelerates performance outcomes with key measurables that ensure accountability and results.

I'll teach you how making a 25-50% immediate increase in performance and productivity is actually very, very doable (and fun).