
Think Six

A training based on the Six Thinking Hats concept, involving Think Six assessments that identify attendees unique thinking styles.

Ths training is perfect for generating new ideas, identifying which ideas should stick, and putting a plan together to drive the new idea(s) forward.

Great for organizations of all sizes looking to successfully innovate, problem solve, enhance team productivity, evaluate designs, create alignment, improve products/processes, sevelop project management and organizational change skills.

(Time: Half-Day, Full-Day, 2 Day)

Think Six

A training based on the Six Thinking Hats concept, involving Think Six assessments that identify attendees unique thinking styles.

Ths training is perfect for generating new ideas, identifying which ideas should stick, and putting a plan together to drive the new idea(s) forward.

Great for organizations of all sizes looking to successfully innovate, problem solve, enhance team productivity, evaluate designs, create alignment, improve products/processes, sevelop project management and organizational change skills.

(Time: Half-Day, Full-Day, 2 Day)

12 Characteristics of Genius

This presentation reveals the 12 Characteristics of Genius and how attendees can amplify their inner genius to improve their performance and productivity in the workplace.

This educational talk serves leaders and individual contributors alike. It is ideal for leveraging key talent and developing a psychology of high performance amongst team members.


​​​​​​​(Time: 1-3 hours)

12 Characteristics of Genius

This presentation reveals the 12 Characteristics of Genius and how attendees can amplify their inner genius to improve their performance and productivity in the workplace.

This educational talk serves leaders and individual contributors alike. It is ideal for leveraging key talent and developing a psychology of high performance amongst team members.


​​​​​​​(Time: 1-3 hours)

Sandbox Strategy

Designed to change the way you think, Sandbox Strategy sessions  are designed to guide leaders looking for a unique new invention or a new solution to an existing product, whether their own or one that exists in the marketplace already.
Spark fresh insights and then refine them into achievable creations.

With its brainstorming and Q&A approach, this exercise can be adapted to run as quick or as in-depth as your time allows.

​​​​​​​(Time: 1-3 hours)

Breakthrough to Success

This interactive exercise targets a particular goal each participant needs to accomplish and through a series of questions, identifies how to meet and even fast-track the end result. 

This process serves executives, team leaders, project managers, salespeople, and other professionals that are results-orientated, and need to identify and breakthrough what is holding them back.

Breakthrough to Success brings clarity, focus, strategy,  and plethora of new ideas to drive any vision forward.

​​​​​​​(Time: 2 hours)

The Toolbox



Mix-and Match Courses To Create Your Customized Training Program


The Toolbox
