
Gamulationâ„ :

A combination of the fun element of games combined with the reality of a real-world situation or challenge.
Global Impact Systems gamulations are designed to model major business challenges and challenges to teach participants valuable business skills in hours what would take months or years to experience on the job – and without the pain and cost of making costly leadership mistakes.


A competitive activity involving skill, chance, or endurance on the part of two or more persons who play according to a set of rules, usually for fun


An imitation of a real-world challenge that provoke participants to reflect on their thinking and behavior

Bringing the Sandbox into the Boardroom: 

A sandbox represents a space where, as kids, our imagination gave us free reign to dream, build, break down, and re-create. In the adult world of work, it represents a segment of time dedicated to being uninhibited and open to new experiences without preconceived ideas of what our play will lead to or how it will serve us. â€‹The boardroom can be an actual boardroom, or a training room, or a classroom, or any place in which we consciously choose to create an environment of safety, creativity, and freedom. We typically think of a boardroom environment as serious, focused, outcome-orientated... quite the opposite of what a sandbox means to us. So it's a juxtaposition of two realities, a metaphor that represents a paradigm shift in how we need to lead and think and behave. I call it play-doh on steroids.

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